Thomas Steyaert / Ponyhill
protest performance BIH / March - April 2014
In the beginning of February workers of Tuzla started demonstrations against the privatization of five factories. On the 7th of February people all over the country were on the street attacking governmental institutions. Fortunately the violence didn't take long. The protest continued in the form of plenums. Apart from any political party, the people of Bosnia and Herzegovina discussed about their demands and the potential changes on political, economical, social and cultural level.
The series of performances were a reaction to the lack of support for the arts, to corruption, to the lack of employment, to privatization, to the overall social situation and to the heavy pollution in certain cities. If corruption becomes a habbit, unemployment common, the social situation unbalanced, artists being ignored and rare cancers appear than it's just a matter of time for the people to rise up. Postwar fear is fading, hope is rizing.
I speak of an attack cos many of the performative actions or happenings had a violent character towards the body of the performer. They represent a feeling of empathy towards the people who suffer and struggle. The long duration and repetition of certain actions represent the slowness of positive progress (the future of BIH is not ZARA!), the difficutly of communication on political level, the neverending lies and much more...
Photography: Irma Saje
Performers: Zulfikar Filandra, Elma Selman, Sasha Handzic, Selma Alijagic-Mehanovic, Lana Delic, Tina Keserovic, Alena Dzebo, Slaven Vidak, Thomas Steyaert
March 02 / rouse
standing up - laying down: A constant repetition of standing up and laying down.

March 03 / fellow feeling
holding position: I was holding the same position as long as I could. The moment I couldn't hold it anymore I took a break for some moments and repositioned in the same pose.

March 04 / vex
whip: action in reaction to a woman that was hold and beaten by the police for 6 hours long on the 5th of March. During this action a car drove intentionally into the crowd of protestors injuring two young men.

March 06 / essence of dialogue
hitting objects: Representation of the essence of dialogue. We were throwing two objects in the air. The aim was to try to hit one object with the other. We succeeded four times out of over a thousend attempts.

March 08 / slowly dying
deconstruction of a line: 7 performers standing in a line - repetitive movements infected the bodies as if being stuck in a pattern - first slow and small, than faster and bigger with changing in the rhythm - during the constant kinetic flow of movements we went down on the ground - each performer stopped at their own time depending on their own physical capacities. Two men were discussing what we were doing and one said to the other:"Well can't you see...they are slowly dying, just like we do." An interpretation...